The South Lincolnshire Food Enterprise Zone’s new centre for innovation, The Hub, has been showcasing its cutting-edge facilities to the agrifood tech sector.

Investors, developers and businesses from across the agrifood and agritech sectors were given tours of The Hub’s bespoke business spaces ranging from high-spec offices to research and development areas at a launch event in the heart of the UK Food Valley.

The connections and support provided at The Hub by the public sector and the University of Lincoln will make the Hub the ‘go-to’ centre to help the industry access the latest technology, skills and services to support future growth.

the hub

Sarah Louise Fairburn, Deputy Chair of the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership (GLLEP) and Chair of the GLLEP’s Food Board, said:

“The Hub is an exciting development at the Food Enterprise Zone that will provide connections and support for SME businesses in the agri-food tech sector to grow, innovate and collaborate. The GLLEP is pleased to have provided the £6.3m to enable construction of this extremely important building for knowledge transfer and business support within the UK Food Valley.”

Key figures involved in the prestigious development near Holbeach joined Team Lincolnshire, Business Lincolnshire and Lincolnshire County Council at the event. The Hub is of strategic importance for Greater Lincolnshire and will play a leading role in helping the local economy grow and attract more businesses to locate in the UK Food Valley.

Making improvements to help county businesses flourish has never been more vital.

Cllr Colin Davie, executive councillor for economy, place and strategic planning, said:

“At Lincolnshire County Council, we take a forward-thinking and pro-active approach looking at what businesses need to thrive. By doing a lot of early work, often with partner organisations, we are always ready to take advantage of government funding and private sector investment. Long-term projects improving infrastructure and connectivity mean that businesses can grow and develop for a more prosperous future. And a vast amount of work also goes on behind the scenes to ‘sell’ all our county has to offer to investors around the world.”